
Showing posts from September, 2017

Lab Class: HTML basic

This is the really first lab class that goes deeply into web programming. first thing that we learn is HTML. HTML is the main language of web programming, it defines the structure of a page only. There is another 3 term that you should know what it is for. first, web server, it is used to communicate the page structure to the browser. and then, web browser itself that is used to render the pages. last, Cascading Style Sheet or known as CSS is for styling the page however we wanted. when you want to make an HTML file, you will use a normal text file from notepad that saved as HTML(.html/.htm) as it extension. HTML documents are text files made up of HTML element that defined using HTML tags.  HTML tags characteristic:  surrounded by angle brackets (< or >) usually come in pairs like <html> and </html> the first one is the start tag the second one is the end tag the text between the tags is the element content not case sensitive note: in HTML5, all

First Theory Class: Prog Language

today is the first class for theory, or I should say, classic class teaching in the classroom... where the lecturer teach us with power point and there is  no practice. in this class, we got introduced to network and web application. I got to know about: Programming Language History of internet and WWW Network Architecture Let's briefly review what I just learn in class about programming language... Programming Language Machine: the basic language of machine and understood fully by computer. Assembly: using English-like abbreviation to overcome the problem when using machine language(that consist of only number). need an assembler  to change to machine language High-Level: using single statement for multi purposes. similar to everyday English and mathematical notation. need compilers to translate to machine languages. e.g. FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC Scripting: shorten the traditional process. can also be compiled, but interpreters are simpler, that's why they ar

First Lab Class and First Post

Today is my first lab class... the lecturer ask us to make new blog. And! here it is, my new blog... as this will be my first post also... i guess i will start with introducing myself? Soo, hello! my name is Azzahra, I am a multimedia student in certain university in Malaysia. I love reading books and i guess i really like with swimming in imagination of others or mine myself... so yeah, i do enjoy reading because that make me can do so! ehehe. by the way, this blog is used for my class.... and i will try to keep on updating about what i have done in the class and other things such as when i cannot come (ehee). Sorry, but i wont talk too formally and more being casually here.... as i want to make it kinda diary like. Well, i'll make sure that it is still understandable though! keep on reading through my blog if you think it is interesting! I also hope that you can find (or feel) something new within my blog. Or, maybe got inspired because of it! well, just a small thought of